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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about PiquePages

How does PiquePages summarize articles?

PiquePages uses advanced AI technology to analyze articles and generate concise, accurate summaries. Our AI understands context and key points, ensuring you get the most important information while maintaining the article's core message. To use this feature, you simply need to paste the URL of the article you want summarized, and our system will generate a summary tailored to your personal interests and knowledge.

What's included in the free plan?

The free plan includes 5 article summaries per month, basic summary length options, and web-based access to PiquePages. This is perfect for casual users who want to try out our AI summarization technology.

What additional features come with Premium?

Premium users ($5/month) get unlimited article summaries, adjustable summary lengths, and an ad-free experience. We are focusing on making PiquePages very accessible, which is why the price is set at $5 per month. PiquePages currently only has a web-based version, but we are exploring the possibility of developing a mobile app in the future to provide even more convenience.

How accurate are the AI summaries?

Our AI is trained to maintain high accuracy while condensing articles. It captures key points, main arguments, and crucial details while filtering out less important information. The summaries are tailored to your interests and professional needs, ensuring relevant content is prioritized.

Can I access PiquePages on mobile devices?

Currently, PiquePages is only available as a web-based application. We are exploring the possibility of developing a mobile app in the future to provide even more convenience and accessibility for our users.

Can I customize the summary length?

Premium users can adjust summary lengths to their preferences. Whether you need a quick overview or a more detailed summary, you can customize the length to match your reading needs. Free users have access to our standard summary length option.